Renowned singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya once again addressed his rift with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, for whom he has lent his voice to iconic songs in multiple films. During a recent interview, Abhijeet explained that the real issue isn’t the rift itself but the overwhelming presence of trolls who continuously fuel the discord with their remarks. He revealed that after his association with SRK’s films brought him massive success, he became increasingly selective in his collaborations, turning down many offers.
In an interview with Bollywood Thikana, when asked why he hasn’t reconciled with SRK and agreed to collaborate once more, Abhijeet replied sarcastically, “It was important for these differences to emerge. Had they not, how would ‘Lungi Dance’ exist? He can produce and sing his own songs; as it is, they call my tracks ‘Shah Rukh Khan’s songs.’” He added, “We aren’t fighting. But the situation is being made worse because of these puny trolls who insist on butting into a matter concerning legends.”
He admitted that the peak of his success during his collaborations with Shah Rukh impacted his mindset. Following the success of ‘Yes Boss‘, he became highly selective, choosing only top-quality songs. He confessed to using excuses to avoid less desirable projects, acknowledging that this might have been a mistake, but emphasized his unwavering loyalty to being Shah Rukh’s voice.
Abhijeet also elaborated on his growing comfort in being SRK’s primary playback singer, a position that made him uninterested in working with other stars. “I lost my mind,” he reiterated. “But I was right. If others are making mistakes, let them. I would turn down offers to sing for other stars, but the moment they told me it’s Shah Rukh’s song, I would go.”
Recently, during her concert in Mumbai, global music sensation Dua Lipa performed the ‘Levitating x Woh Ladki Jo’ mashup, which went viral on the internet, crediting Shah Rukh instead of the original singers. After this, Abhijeet, who originally lent his voice to the song, reacted to the trend, stating why the star who appeared on screen for the song got more attention than the actual singer.
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Yes Boss,SRK songs,Shah Rukh Khan,shah rukh,music trolls,Lungi Dance,Dua Lipa,Bollywood playback singer,Abhijeet Bhattacharya
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