Saif Ali Khan recently met Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto-rickshaw driver who helped him after he was injured in a knife attack at his Mumbai home. The actor thanked him for his assistance, gave him some money, and promised to help him whenever needed.
Saif was stabbed multiple times by an intruder inside his 12th-floor apartment in Bandra during the early hours of January 16. He suffered several injuries and had to undergo emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital. The actor returned home on Tuesday after his recovery.
The actor met Bhajan Singh Rana at the hospital on Tuesday before his discharge. The auto-rickshaw driver shared that Saif called to thank him for helping him reach the hospital and praised him for his assistance. He mentioned feeling blessed by Saif and his family’s gratitude.
Singh Rana shared that Saif introduced him to his mother, Sharmila Tagore, and he touched her feet as a gesture of respect. Saif gave him some money and assured him that he would be there to help whenever needed.
Singh Rana told ANI that he felt happy meeting Saif and his family, and his mother praised him. He added that he didn’t mind not being paid for taking Saif to the hospital, as he understood that in such a situation, the priority is ensuring the person’s safety, not payment.
Meanwhile, the intruder, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national who entered India illegally and adopted the name Vijay Das, was arrested in Thane. Preliminary investigations reveal he intended to steal from Saif’s home. He managed to enter by climbing the compound wall and walking in through the main entrance while the security guards were asleep.
#Auto #driver #Saif #Ali #Khan #hospital #reveals #actor #introduced #mom #Sharmila #Tagore #touched #feet #praised
Sharmila Tagore,Saif Ali Khan stabbing,Saif Ali Khan discharged,Saif Ali Khan attacked,Saif Ali Khan,Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad,Lilavati Hospital,Kareena Kapoor,Bhajan Singh Rana
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