Shah Rukh Khan’s fans got an early birthday gift from The Academy as his iconic entry scene from Karan Johar’s 2001 blockbuster Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham was featured on their official Instagram handle. In fact, the Oscar body regarded it as the greatest entry scene of his career. Well, we have five more suggestions that should come to The Academy’s notice. (Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan’s fans get special birthday gift from Oscars Academy, here’s why it made Karan Johar ‘smile wide’. Watch)
Main Hoon Na
Who can forget Shah Rukh’s dashing entry in Farah Khan’s 2004 directorial debut Main Hoon Na? He played Major Ram Prasad Sharma, an Indian Army soldier, in the romantic comedy. When Suniel Shetty’s antagonist, Raghavan, holds a newsroom hostage, we see Shah Rukh’s silhouette speaking on a walkie-talkie that he’s entering to save the day even though he’s warned the backup force is yet to arrive. He then jumps through a glass ceiling and starts shooting at the bad guys, set against a rousing background score.
Om Shanti Om
Farah raised the bar in her sophomore directorial, Om Shanti Om (2007). When Shah Rukh’s present-day character of Om Kapoor is introduced in the reincarnation saga, he’s presented in exactly the way his previous incarnation of Om Makhija, a junior artiste, had imagined his next life to be. Waking up on a Yash Chopra-style round bed, muslin slippers being slid onto his feet before he can touch the white marble floor, and being served juice by his staff. His face is revealed in true SRK style as he sips on black coffee while waving to scores of fans cheering outside his palatial bungalow on his birthday.
Happy New Year
Farah gets three times lucky in this list. In her 2014 heist comedy Happy New Year, Shah Rukh is introduced in a wrestling bout covered entirely in mud. As his entourage splashes water on him, his washboard abs, ripped back, and bulging biceps come to the fore. Shah Rukh poses in combat mode, wearing only a red bandana and matching track pants, along with an intense expression. After all, it was Farah who first presented Shah Rukh in ripped fashion in Dard-E-Disco song from Om Shanti Om.
Don 2
Shah Rukh was introduced rather unceremoniously in Farhan Akhtar’s 2006 gangster drama Don. He’s merely sipping coffee inside an overseas cafe as he introduces himself as “Don” on the phone. In the 2011 sequel, Don 2, however, Shah Rukh brings along the myth of his character. He sports a new look – long hair, a rough beard, light sunglasses and a ‘D’ initial tattoo on his arm – while stylishly riding a motorboat in a secret, exotic location.
The most recent contender in this list is Shah Rukh’s massy entry in Atlee’s action thriller Jawan last year. In fact, Shah Rukh is introduced thrice in the movie – first when he unleashes himself on invaders in a village – covered in bandages like a mummy, leaping into the sky, and aiming a spear at the attackers. Another instance is when he unmasks himself in the Mumbai metro in the present day, revealing his bald avatar. The third, and arguably his finest in recent memory, entry scene is during the interval block when he saves his son Azad from goons who’ve held him captive, revealing his older, sexier avatar of Vikram Singh Rathore.
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