The trailer of the upcoming Tamil comedy entertainer, Brother, headlined by Jayam Ravi and Priyanka Arul Mohan, was released by the makers today. Written and directed by M Rajesh, the film is set to release in theatres for Diwali on October 31.
The trailer introduces us to Ravi’s lead character as a mischievous law college student who takes life as it comes. However, trouble follows wherever he goes, leading to a comedy of errors. We also see glimpses of his equations with his lady love (played by Priyanka) as well as his affectionate sister (played by Bhumika Chawla).
M Rajesh, known for making comedy films like Siva Manasula Sakthi, Boss Engira Bhaskaran and Oru Kal Oru Kannadi, seems to be back with a wholesome family entertainer in Brother.
The cast of the film also features VTV Ganesh, Natraj Subramanian, Rao Ramesh, Achyuth Kumar, Saranya Ponvannan, Seetha, Sathish Krishnan, M.S. Bhaskar, Suresh Chakravarthy, Vriddhi Vishal, and Master Ashwin.
With music scored by Harris Jayaraj, the film has cinematography by Vivekanand Santhosam and editing by Ashish Joseph. Brother is produced by Screen Scene Media Entertainment Pvt Ltd
Published – October 29, 2024 01:20 pm IST
#Brother #trailer #mischievous #Jayam #Ravi #creates #comedy #errors #Rajeshs #entertainer
Brother Tamil movie,Jayam Ravi,Brother 2024,Director M Rajesh,Priyanka Mohan,Brother movie trailer,Brother Tamil movie review,Bhumika Chawla
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