Actor Govinda’s wife, Sunita Ahuja on Thursday visited her husband at the Criticare Hospital in Mumbai and gave all his fans a piece of good news. Sharing an update about his health after the gunshot injury, she said that she had been praying for him and he would be discharged from hospital tomorrow. Also read: Rajpal Yadav, Raveena Tandon visit Govinda at hospital, give update on actor’s health. Watch
Health update
Govinda sustained a bullet injury in his leg from his revolver on Tuesday morning. On Thursday, Sunita visited the hospital and gave an update about his health to the paparazzi waiting outside the hospital.
Speaking with media, Sunita said Govinda is “better”. She said in Hindi and English, “Sir ek dum first class hain (He is well now). He will get discharged tomorrow at noon”.
She added, “I would like to thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. It is because of your good wishes that he got better quickly. I am so happy that we got the news of his discharge on the first day of Navaratri”.
In another video, she is seen saying, “I have come after doing pooja for him. He is much better now, thanks to god”.
In the clip, several photographers enquired if they would get to see Govinda outside the hospital, to which Sunita said, “Yes, he will come and meet you all tomorrow after getting discharged”.
More about the incident
Govinda was shifted to a normal ward on Wednesday, a day after the actor was injured in the leg when his revolver accidentally went off. The 60-year-old actor underwent a surgery on Tuesday. On Wednesday, sharing a health update with the reporters, Govinda’s daughter Tina Ahuja said the family is hoping for his speedy discharge from the hospital.
“Papa is getting better, God has been very kind. Please keep him in your prayers. He has been shifted from the ICU to the normal ward; everything is good now. He’s healthy and happy. Please continue praying for him. He will be discharged very soon. He’s been given drips and antibiotics, and we’re hoping for a speedy discharge,” Tina said.
On the work front, Govinda was last seen in Rangeela Raja (2019).
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