We had previously reported that actor Jayam Ravi is teaming up with director Ganesh K Babu of Dada fame for a new film, tentatively called JR 34. The film went on floors on Saturday with a pooja ceremony.
Jayam Ravi shared pictures from the pooja ceremony and expressed his excitement with the fact that two of his upcoming projects went on floors the same day. Earlier yesterday, Ravi’s upcoming film, directed by Sudha Kongara and co-starring Sivakarthikeyan and Atharvaa, went on floors.
Notably, JR 34 features Daudee Jiwal as the female lead. Daudee is the daughter of Tamil Nadu’s Director General of Police (DGP), Shankar Jiwal.
Actor Shakkthi Vasu is also part of the cast. Details of other cast members and plot of the film remain unknown at the moment.
On the technical side, the film has Ganesh reunite with his Dada technicians, namely cinematographer Ezhil Arasu L and editor Kathiresh Alagesan. Writer-director Rathna Kumar has penned the script. Notably, composer Harris Jayaraj is teaming up with Ravi for the fifth time after Dhaam Dhoom, Engeyum Kadhal,Vanamagan, and Brother.
Published – December 15, 2024 04:27 pm IST
#Jayam #Ravis #film #Dada #director #Ganesh #Babu #floors
Jayam Ravi,Jayam Ravi new movie,Jayam Ravi Ganesh K Babu,JR 34 movie,Dada movie director,Dada Kavin,Daudee Jiwal
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