Renowned cinematographer Pankaj Kumar, known for visually stunning films like Tumbbad and Ship of Theseus, is stepping into the director’s chair with Konyak, a tribal action drama set in the culturally rich landscapes of northeast India. Selected for the prestigious NFDC Screenwriters Lab 2024 at Film Bazaar, the project marks Kumar’s highly anticipated feature directorial debut.
Tumbbad cinematographer Pankaj Kumar makes directorial debut with Film Bazaar-selected tribal epic Konyak
A Vision Rooted in Heritage
Konyak follows the journey of Thungpang, a young warrior who must navigate a deadly conflict between headhunting tribes. Guided by prophetic visions, he confronts betrayal and honor as he faces Sangba, a former friend turned enemy. Written by Uddhav Ghosh, the film delves into themes of identity, resilience, and heritage.
Ghosh, whose travels in Nagaland inspired the story, described the vision behind the project. A report by Variety quoted him saying, “The vision was always clear – to create an action epic that felt raw, unfiltered, and steeped in authenticity, drawing on the primal storytelling of films like Fury Road and Apocalypto. With Pankaj Kumar now on board as director, his visual mastery elevates this film into the cinematic spectacle it deserves to be.”
Kumar’s Take on Directing Konyak
Pankaj Kumar, whose cinematography credits include Brahmastra Part One: Shiva and Talvar, expressed his excitement about the project: “The vision for Konyak is to create something immersive and untamed, a film that lives and breathes on the big screen, where every frame tells a story of endurance and heritage. As a director, coming from a background in cinematography, this is the kind of project that lets me bring all those elements together.”
The film, which will be shot in Konyak Naga and Hindi languages, is a passion project for Kumar, produced through his newly founded Jiboom Studios.
Mentorship and Market Selection
The project has received guidance from script editor Claire Dobbin, who described it as: “Much more than an action movie. It is a compelling story of betrayal, courage, and resilience and shines a light on a little-known, but unforgettable people – the Konyak.”
Marten Rabarts, head of IFFR Pro at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and lab mentor, highlighted the film’s focus on indigenous narratives: “Uddhav Ghosh is exploring the long-overshadowed stories of indigenous First Nations people and in collaboration with them is helping unearth intense and complex histories.”
Also Read: Ekta Kapoor teams up with Tumbbad director Rahi Anil Barve for new film, also plans Ragini MMS 3 in 2025: Report
More Pages: Tumbbad Box Office Collection , Tumbbad Movie Review
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Claire Dobbin,Film Bazaar,IFFI,International Film Festival of India,Jiboom Studios,Konyak,Marten Rabarts,Nagaland,News,NFDC Screenwriters Lab 2024,Pankaj Kumar,Thungpang,Trending,Tumbbad,Uddhav Ghosh
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