Bollywood’s Greek God, Hrithik Roshan, at 50 years old, has set the internet on fire with his jaw-dropping body transformation. The actor recently shared a photo on social media, flaunting his ripped physique while sporting a cap and glasses. Captioning the post, he wrote, “Such a big difference between being strong and looking strong. This year I’m going for the real thing.” Fans and fitness enthusiasts alike are in awe of his dedication.
Hrithik, who was last seen in Fighter alongside Deepika Padukone, is gearing up for his next project, War 2. This sequel to the 2019 blockbuster War will mark his first collaboration with South superstar Jr. NTR, with Kiara Advani playing the female lead. The original War, featuring Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor, was a massive hit, celebrated for its intense action and sizzling chemistry between the leads.
Adding to the excitement, Hrithik has announced an upcoming Netflix docu-series titled The Roshans. The series will delve into the rich legacy of the Roshan family, including Hrithik, his filmmaker father Rakesh Roshan, musician uncle Rajesh Roshan, and late grandfather and music maestro Roshan.
Sharing the news on Instagram, Hrithik wrote, “A profound journey through legacy and love with the family that brought music, magic, and unforgettable moments to Hindi cinema. Watch The Roshans, coming soon, only on Netflix. #TheRoshansOnNetflix.”
The series, co-produced by Rakesh Roshan and Shashi Ranjan, features candid interviews with the Roshans and their industry peers, offering untold stories of their lives and contributions to Hindi cinema.
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War 2 movie,The Roshans Netflix series,roshan,Rakesh Roshan,Rajesh Roshan,Jr. NTR War 2,Hrithik Roshan New Year resolution,Hrithik Roshan body transformation,Hrithik Roshan,hrithik
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