Janhvi Kapoor started 2025 on a heartwarming note, seeking blessings at the Tirupati temple with her alleged boyfriend, Shikhar Pahariya, and his mother. The actress shared the precious moment on her social media, where she was seen visiting the renowned spiritual site, radiating positivity and warmth. Their visit has captivated fans, showcasing a deeply personal and spiritual side of the actress as she embarks on the new year with a sense of gratitude.The video of their visit has gone viral, with fans showering the couple with love and best wishes. Janhvi, who has always been known for her down-to-earth nature, has once again impressed her followers with her humble and grounded attitude.
Meanwhile, in a more personal reflection, Shikhar Pahariya recently posted a “New Year photo dump” on his social media. The photos included memories from the past year, with several heartwarming pictures featuring Janhvi by his side. In his caption, Shikhar expressed gratitude for the past year and set positive intentions for 2025. His reflections spoke of seeking strength, wisdom, and foresight, as well as striving for righteousness and pursuing every goal with the vigor of a lion.
Sharing the pics, Shikhar penned a note that read, “Grateful for all that I could be, for all that I could see, and all that I could do. Praying for more strength, foresight, wisdom, and opportunity going into 2025—to serve those who need it most to the best of my ability, to learn more about where I come from and where I want to go, to always pick the path of righteousness no matter how tedious and to go after every goal and dream with the energy, vigour and conviction of a lion fixed on its prey.”
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Tirupati temple,social media,Shikhar Pahariya,New Year 2025,Janhvi Kapoor
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