Kay Kay Menon: Nepotism is normal in any field; at the end of the day your talent brings appreciation for good work | Hindi Movie News


Actor Kay Kay Menon, who was last seen in web shows like Citadel:Honey Bunny and Murshid does not feel nepotism in Bollywood has affected talented actors. The actor in an exclusive chat shared how nepotism is a part and parcel of every field and not just films.
Menon said, “Nepotism is very normal in any field, whether it is films or any other business. Films are not public service. Just like in a family business, the son or daughter takes over the father’s business, every established actor will want that his son or daughter also be a part of the film world. As a self-made actor, I feel talent carries you through and sooner or later you get appreciated for your work. At the end of the day if you are talented and keep working consistently, you will get roles. I have never faced any dearth of good roles in my career.”
Kay Kay, who has been part of many films like The Ghazi Attack and Haider, shared, “I came from a completely non-filmy background and though it took some time to settle, eventually I got appreciated for my work. I enjoy my work even now and that’s why I feel things fell in place. The day I don’t enjoy acting, I will quit.” He added, “I am lucky I have never faced any prejudice or was never replaced so that a star son could be given that role. I have got good roles and have made the best of it.”

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