In 2020, Mika Singh decided to produce a series titled Dangerous, opting for a safe approach by choosing a script from Vikram Bhatt. He hired Bhatt’s entire team and cast Karan Singh Grover to manage the budget. Although he planned to launch a newcomer, Bipasha Basu insisted on the role. Despite the ideal casting, the experience was so unpleasant that Mika vowed never to produce a film or series again.
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In an appearance on the KADAK podcast, Mika shared that he initially planned to cast Karan Singh Grover and a newcomer to keep the project within budget. However, Bipasha Basu insisted on joining the series alongside her husband. Although they fit within the budget, Mika described the experience as unpleasant.The singer further revealed that during the shoot, Karan Singh Grover fractured his leg while filming a stunt scene. He also mentioned that there were issues during dubbing, with the actors citing excuses like sore throats. Mika expressed his confusion over the drama, especially since they were being paid for their work.
Mika also shared that Salman Khan had advised him to star in his own film, suggesting that he was more famous than the actors he had cast. However, Mika ignored the advice, wanting to focus solely on producing and providing good music. He regretted not taking on a role in the series, as it could have helped make the songs successful.
Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu met while filming Alone in 2015 and got married in 2016. In 2022, they welcomed their first child, a daughter named Devi.
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Vikram Bhatt,Salman Khan,Mika Singh,Karan Singh Grover,Dangerous series,Bipasha Basu
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