Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda took to her Instagram account to share some adorable glimpses from her recent trip to the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat. She was accompanied by her mother, Shweta Bachchan.
check out the post here:
In a recent Instagram post, Navya looked happy and vibrant in the white desert. The first picture showcased her striking a cool pose, trying to keep the sun between her hands. She looked adorable in white trousers and a beige sweatshirt. She was also seen carrying a camera with her. In the next picture, she was wrapped in jackets and scarves to fend off the cold. She also shared a short video of a traditional dance performed by Gujarati women. Navya seemed fascinated by the sun and moon, sharing various pictures of the celestial bodies and a serene moonlit view.
In her Instagram stories, she was seen standing with her mother, Shweta Bachchan. Shweta hugged her tightly from behind as Navya soaked in the backdrop with childlike joy. Their impeccable bond as mother and daughter won the hearts of netizens. One fan reacted to their pictures, “You are awesome, dear ❤️,” while another wrote, “My all-time favourite entrepreneur 👌.”
Navya Naveli Nanda is a young entrepreneur who recently enrolled at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Ahmedabad. She took to her Instagram account last year to share glimpses of her campus and celebrate her new academic achievement with fans and followers.
She also hosts a podcast, ‘What The Hell Navya,’ where she shares casual conversations about family, friends, career, and more with her grandmother, Jaya Bachchan, and her mother, Shweta.
#Navya #Naveli #Nanda #shares #charming #pictures #Shweta #Bachchan #trip #Rann #Kutch #Hindi #Movie #News
traditional Gujarati dance,Shweta Bachchan,Rann of Kutch,Navya Naveli Nanda,navya,mother-daughter bond,jaya bachchan,Amitabh Bachchan
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