Aadesh Chaudhary, who has acted in television shows like Sasural Simar Ka, Laal Ishq, Diya Aur Baati Hum, Desh Ki Beti Nandini, Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki, Doli Armaano Ki, believes in setting achievable goals when it comes to fitness.
How do you stay fit?
I prioritise fitness! Even with a busy schedule, I ensure that I work out, be it gym sessions, yoga or 30-minute walks. Consistency is the key. No matter how packed my schedule is, I make time to stay active.
Given your unpredictable work hours, do you keep your workout pattern flexible?
I like to keep it varied. I hit the gym when I can or do home workouts and bodyweight exercises. Flexibility is essential for my lifestyle. Whether I’m on set, traveling or at home, I find ways to work out.
What role does nutrition play in your fitness and wellness routine?
I follow a balanced diet focusing on wholesome foods, lean proteins and hydration. A clean, balanced diet helps me sustain energy for long shoots and maintain endurance. My nutritionist helps me out with my meal plans.
How does staying fit benefit your mental well being?
Fitness boosts my energy and mental well-being. Regular exercise helps me manage stress. It’s not just about staying in shape, but about keeping my mind clear and reducing stress.
What keeps you motivated to stay active?
Motivation comes from feeling energetic and confident. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories keeps me driven, even without a fixed schedule. The small wins keep me going, even when things get hectic.
As an actor, do you feel the pressure to look fit? How do you handle that?
As an actor, physical appearance matters, but I focus on overall wellness. Fitness enhances my performance and mental clarity. Pressure can be constructive if it pushes me to prioritise health, but it’s not just about looks for me—it’s about feeling and performing my best.
What are two fitness tips you would offer to someone starting their fitness journey?
First, begin with achievable goals. Second, listen to your body. Rest when needed and prioritise recovery to avoid burnout. It’s important to build a sustainable routine that works for you.
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