Govinda and David Dhawan can be called one of the most iconic actor-director pairs in Bollywood. They’ve given the industry some movies which can never be forgotten – from ‘Hero No 1‘, Raja Babu’, ‘Saajan Chale Sasural’ among many others. However, their relationship had strained for a while. In a recent interview, Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja says that her husband had negative influence around him which spoilt his relationship with the director. Sunita considers David as a father-figure.
Sunita said during a chat with Hindi Rush, “I always say David is like my father. Back then, actors used to have a lot of ‘chamchas’, and they would create misunderstandings. People became jealous seeing the partnership between David and Govinda. When you surround yourself with negative people, you’re bound to absorb their negativity.”
Further revealing what had happned exactly, Sunita said that Dhawan had just advised Govinda to adapt to changing times. “David didn’t say anything wrong. He said that in the 90s, solo-hero films worked, but that’s no longer the case. Rarely do they succeed today. David suggested that Govinda take up second-lead roles, but not insignificant ones. After all, he played a second lead in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, and that wasn’t a bad choice. But people around Govinda would provoke him, saying, ‘You’re the hero.’ It makes me angry to see how these things happened. The people in Govinda’s circle weren’t good; they instigated him against,” shared Sunita.
She further revaled that Govinda is still stuck in the 90s and not in the present times. Hence, his children also don’t listen to his advice. She said, “Nobody listens to Govinda’s advice because it’s stuck in the 90s. I give advice suited to 2024. We keep telling Govinda to move on from the 90s.”
Sunita confesses she is quite blunt and will say what’s right without sugar-coating things, even if it’s to her husband. She further reacted to Govinda’s recent announcement on Kapil Sharma’s show about making a comeback. “I think he has made some announcement about doing three films. I say it on the face good or bad, I am not going to do chamchagiri whether you are my husband or Govinda. I am not ‘Waah waah’ production, I’m ‘sahi sahi’ production,” said Sunita.
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Sunita Ahuja,relationship issues,Hero No 1,Govinda,film industry,David Dhawan,Bollywood
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