In 2021, Deepika took to Instagram and shared a video with Ranveer Singh with the caption, “Should we Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses instead @ranveersingh !?😉🤣” Albeit a bit late, but the two stars took on the viral ‘silhouette challenge’ in this video.
Watch the video here:
Ranveer Singh humorously commented, “Sure, we can call it that,” while Alia Bhatt joined in on the fun, adding, “Hahahah hilarious,” in response to the post.
Deepika and Ranveer are currently enjoying their newfound parenthood after they welcomed their first kid, a baby girl on September 8, 2024. The news was officially confirmed by the couple via a heartfelt Instagram post. “Welcome Baby Girl! 8.9.2024,” it read.
Before the arrival of their baby, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted at the Siddhivinayak Temple on Friday evening. The couple visited the temple to offer prayers and seek blessings from Lord Ganesha.
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