When Ratan Tata didn’t recognise Amitabh Bachchan, it reminded the legendary actor to stay humble! Here’s what happened! | Hindi Movie News


India’s Titan Ratan Tata passed away on October 9, at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai. His last rites took place on Thursday at a Cremetorium in Worli. He was accorded with state funeral. Most people who’ve met him, have something really memorable which they took back and here’s an example of that. Amitabh Bachchan had once revealed how Tata just couldn’t recognise him when they were together on a flight.
Big B was sitting next to Ratan Tata in a flight and at that point, he was at the peak of his career. While everyone else on the flight recognised Bachchan, here was Tata sitting next to him reading a newspaper. According to News24 Hindi, Bachchan had described this incident and said, “I asked him if he watches movies. Yes, but very little and many years ago, he replied. After this, we both had a conversation and when we got off the flight, we both told each other our names.”
He further added how he learnt to be humble from Ratan Tata after that day. “I learned that no matter how big you think you are, there’s always someone bigger. Be humble; it costs nothing. So, my friend, remember to stay humble in your career journey. It doesn’t cost anything, and you never know who you might meet along the way!”
As Tata passed away, Big B shared a picture with him on social media and wrote, “Just came to learn of the passing of Shri Ratan Tata .. was working very late …An era has ended .. a most respected, humble yet visionary leader of immense foresight and resolve…Spent some wonderful moments with him, during several Campaigns we were involved in together…My prayers.”
It’s Bachchan’s 82nd birthday today and he’s been showered with love from all over the world!

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