BJP State president K. Annamalai on Monday (December 30, 2024) criticised Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin’s comment that “a woman entering college or pursuing research means a social revolution,” which he made during an event in Thoothukudi earlier that day.
In a social media post, Annamalai referred to the case of sexual assault in Anna University, and alleged that the government could not even ensure the minimum safety for women with its “Dravidian Disaster Model.”
In a separate post, he said the BJP women’s wing was protesting against the sexual assault, and the party would not fear arrest and continue to raise its voice to get justice for the survivor.
Published – December 31, 2024 01:10 pm IST
#Annamalai #criticises #Stalins #social #revolution #comment
anna university case,anna university issue today,bjp vs dmk ,stalin statement
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