Tensions are rising at the India-Bangladesh border as disputes escalate between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Bangladesh’s Border Guards. Bangladesh has staked a claim to the Kodalia River in the region. The BSF, responsible for security along the border, has maintained a vigilant presence at the Kodalia River on the Nadia border, ensuring tight monitoring and control in the area.
Today’s DNA uncovers the truth behind these claims and exposes the hidden conspiracy driving them.
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देखिए DNA LIVE @Anant_Tyagii के साथ #ZeeLive #DNA #MahakumbhMela2025 #Bangladesh #AIMIM #DNAWithAnantTyagi https://t.co/ONHW7Lm69B
— Zee News (@ZeeNews) January 8, 2025
There is no fencing along the banks of the Kodalia River, which leads to a constant risk of infiltration and smuggling through the river routes. To address this challenge, the BSF has set up several outposts along the Kodalia River, where BSF personnel are always stationed to monitor the border area. The BSF is the force that controls infiltrators, smugglers, and those promoting anti-India agendas.
According to residents near the India-Bangladesh border in Nadia, they have never heard any mention or discussion about claims of control over the river, Zee news TV reported.
#Bangladesh #Capture #Indian #Territory #Kodalia #River #Bengal #Watch #Exclusive #Report
Bangladesh, Bangladesh-India,Bangladesh, Bangladesh-India
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