In a major setback for the BJP ahead of Maharashtra assembly elections, two-time Mumbai North Lok Sabha MP Gopal Shetty on Monday said he will file his nomination papers as an independent from Borivali assembly seat. This comes after the BJP did not give him the party ticket from the Borivali seat.
Shetty had won the Mumbai North Lok Sabha seat by margins of more than four lakh in 2014 and 2019 but was denied a ticket in the 2024 general elections. BJP fielded Union Minister Piyush Goyal who won the elections in 2024.
Before becoming MP, Shetty was MLA from Borivali in 2004 and 2009. He had also been the corporator from the area for several years. Notably, the BJP has recently released its fourth list and named Sanjay Upadhyay as its candidate from Borivali. A visibly disappointed Shetty said he would file his nomination papers as an Independent on Tuesday.
‘For fourth-time candidate not from local Borivali,’ says Shetty
Shetty said, “I have been a loyal party worker for a very long time. Today, I went to help four BJP candidates to file their nomination papers. However, when the list was announced, I was dejected to see that I have not been fielded. The issue is not that I have not been given a ticket, the issue is that the candidate must have been a local BJP worker from Borivali.”
Highlighting his long career in the BJP and public support behind him, he said, “My supporters have stood by me for 35 years. They told me to listen to them (and contest). First Vinod Tawde contested from here in 2014, then Sunil Rane in 2019. This time, the Lok Sabha ticket from Mumbai North was given to Piyush Goyal. This is happening for the fourth time with Upadhyay being nominated.”
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