The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) achieved a significant milestone on Friday by successfully restarting its Vikas liquid engine during a test at the ISRO Propulsion Complex in Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu.
The Vikas engine, a proven workhorse powering the liquid stages of ISRO’s launch vehicles, is being upgraded to support the development of reusable launch vehicle technology.
In the latest test, the engine was fired for 60 seconds, shut down for 120 seconds, and then successfully restarted for an additional seven seconds. ISRO confirmed that all engine parameters were normal and met expectations.
This marks the second demonstration of the engine’s restart capability. A shorter-duration restart test was conducted in December 2024, involving a 42-second shut-off period and a seven-second firing.
ISRO plans further tests to optimise the engine’s performance under various restart conditions, advancing toward fully reusable launch vehicle technology.
#ISRO #successfully #restarts #Vikas #liquid #engine
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