A shocking video has emerged from Kannur district in Kerala, showing a man narrowly escaping death as an oncoming train sped over him. In the viral footage, the man is seen lying on the tracks, remaining still and crouched with his head down as the train passes just inches above him. Miraculously, he gets up unharmed and walks away after the train passes.
The incident took place around 5 pm on Monday between Kannur and Chirakkal railway stations, as the Mangalore-Thiruvananthapuram train passed through the area.
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‘Shaken by the incident’
After the video went viral on social media, railway police identified the man as Pavithran (56), described as being of “small stature.” A railway police official stated that Pavithran’s statement had been recorded.
According to the police, Pavithran claimed he had been talking on his phone and did not notice the train approaching. When he realised the danger, he had no time to escape and, in a split-second decision, lay down on the track, narrowly avoiding a fatal collision. “We were also surprised to see the video. He survived because of his small physical stature,” the police official told news agency PTI.
As the video circulated, rumours emerged suggesting a drunken person had been lying on the tracks and later walked away. “I was not drunk; I lay on the tracks to save my life,” clarified Pavithran, who works as a cleaner for a school vehicle, and admitted he was “shaken by the incident”.
“I still haven’t recovered from the fear,” he added.
(With PTI inputs)
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