Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, often referred to as the architect of India’s economic reforms, passed away on Thursday at the age of 92. His demise has left the nation mourning the loss of a visionary leader who played a pivotal role in shaping modern India. Dr. Singh’s journey, from being an economist to serving as India’s Prime Minister for two consecutive terms, is a testament to his exceptional leadership and dedication to the country. Here’s a look at his key achievements:
The architect of economic reforms
Dr. Singh is widely regarded as the pioneer of India’s economic liberalization. As Finance Minister in 1991, he opened India’s economy to globalization and liberalization, introducing policies that transformed the country into a global economic player.
Major milestones under his leadership
- Right to Information Act (2005): To promote transparency and accountability, Dr. Singh’s government implemented the Right to Information (RTI) Act in 2005, empowering citizens to seek information from public authorities.
- Launch of MNREGA (2005): His government introduced the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), ensuring 100 days of employment to rural households.
- Aadhaar Initiative (2009): The Aadhaar project, launched during his tenure, became the world’s largest biometric identification system, providing a unique ID to every citizen.
- Agricultural Debt Waiver (2008): To alleviate the agrarian crisis, his government implemented a loan waiver scheme worth ₹60,000 crore, benefiting millions of farmers.
- Nuclear Deal with the U.S. (2006): The Indo-U.S. nuclear agreement was a landmark achievement, granting India access to advanced nuclear technology and resources despite being a non-signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
- National Food Security Act (2013): This act aimed to provide subsidized food grains to approximately two-thirds of India’s population, ensuring food security for millions.
Roles before becoming PM
- RBI Governor (1982-1985): Dr. Singh served as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, contributing significantly to the country’s monetary policies.
- Chief Economic Advisor (1972): His journey in public service began as the Chief Economic Advisor in the Ministry of Finance, a role in which he shaped the country’s economic strategies.
- Finance Minister (1991-1996): During his tenure as Finance Minister under Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao, Dr. Singh introduced groundbreaking reforms that stabilized the Indian economy and attracted global investments.
- Tenure as Prime Minister (2004-2014): On May 22, 2004, Dr. Manmohan Singh was sworn in as India’s 13th Prime Minister, becoming the first Sikh to hold the office. He led the nation for two consecutive terms, emphasizing economic growth, social welfare, and global partnerships.
A legacy of dedication
Dr. Singh’s contributions have left an indelible mark on India’s progress. From steering the country out of financial crises to implementing landmark policies, his work continues to inspire leaders and economists worldwide.
As the nation bids farewell to one of its greatest statesmen, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s legacy will forever be remembered as a cornerstone of India’s modern economic and political journey.
Also read | ‘My car is the Maruti 800’: Manmohan Singh’s former bodyguard Asim Arun recalls ex-PM’s middle-class values
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#Manmohan #Singh #legacy #economic #advisor #key #achievements #including #MNREGA
Manmohan Singh legacy, economic reforms, RTI Act 2005, MNREGA, Aadhaar initiative, agricultural debt waiver, Indo-US nuclear deal, National Food Security Act, India’s economic transformation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, achievements of Dr. Manmohan Singh, economic advisor, India growth policies, Manmohan Singh biography, Manmohan Singh PM tenure
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