No-confidence motion rejected: Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh on Thursday dismissed the impeachment notice given by the opposition seeking the removal of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, said sources. Around 60 opposition MPs had signed the notice seeking the removal of Dhankhar from his post on December 10, alleging that his attitude is biased and he favors the BJP.
In his ruling, which was tabled in the House by Rajya Sabha Secretary General P C Mody, the Deputy Chairman said that it as an act of impropriety, being severely flawed and drawn in haste to mar his reputation, sources said. “The impeachment notice is part of a design to denigrate the nation’s constitutional institutions and malign the incumbent Vice President,” the sources said.
(With PTI inputs)
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#Oppositions #noconfidence #motion #Vice #President #Jagdeep #Dhankhar #rejected #Sources
No-confidence motion against Jagdeep Dhankhar, Opposition notice against Jagdeep Dhankhar, Opposition notice against Jagdeep Dhankhar rejected, Opposition
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