Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated a 13-km section of the Delhi-Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridor from Sahibabad in Uttar Pradesh to New Ashok Nagar here.
Modi also took a ride on a Namo Bharat train from Sahibabad station to New Ashok Nagar station. During his journey, the prime minister interacted with children and people.
With the inauguration of the Delhi section of the RRTS, Namo Bharat trains have now arrived in the national capital.
The 55-km RRTS corridor between New Ashok Nagar and Meerut South, with 11 stations, has become operational. Passenger operations will commence from 5 pm onwards and trains will be available every 15 minutes.
The fare from New Ashok Nagar station to Meerut South station is Rs 150 for standard coach and Rs 225 for premium coach.
The prime minister inaugurated the 17-km priority section between Sahibabad and Duhai Depot on October 20 last year.
#Modi #inaugurates #13km #section #DelhiMeerut #RRTS #corridor
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