BULANDSHAHR: Loud celebrations and firing shortly after being released on bail landed a father-son duo in Bulandshahr in fresh trouble after they were arrested on charges of illegal arms smuggling, officials said on Saturday. Police seized a large cache of illegal firearms and ammunition, along with a vehicle during their arrests, they said.
“The accused, Rizwan Ansari and his son Adnan from Shekh Sahiban Mohalla in the Khurja Nagar area, were arrested on Friday night. Both have been linked to multiple criminal cases previously, with Rizwan recently released on bail on December 26,” Superintendent of Police (Rural), Rohit Mishra, said.
Police recovered five .315 bore pistols with 10 live cartridges, two 12-bore pistols with six cartridges, and two .32 bore pistols with six cartridges from the suspects’ vehicle.
Mishra said, “Rizwan was previously incarcerated for arms smuggling. His return to Khurja was marked by fireworks, DJ music, and celebratory firing in the neighbourhood, prompting the police to register another case against him.”
Acting on a tip-off from an informant, police teams from Khurja Nagar and Khurja Dehat intercepted Rizwan’s vehicle on the highway.
“The suspects attempted to flee but were apprehended after a brief chase. Searches revealed the cache of illegal arms and ammunition,” the officer said.
Rizwan has six prior cases registered against him, five in Bulandshahr and one in Delhi, while his son Adnan faces two cases in Bulandshahr.
The SP said both suspects have been charged under relevant sections of the law and will be sent to jail following due legal procedures.
“The arrests highlight our zero-tolerance stance towards illegal activities and arms smuggling,” Mishra said.
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