How do you set up auto pay on your SBI Card. A step-by-step guide | Mint

It is quite normal for credit card users to miss paying their bills on time. So, what could be the reason behind this? Either they tend to forget to pay their bill or they fall short of funds during the day(s) when the bill becomes due.

Did you know that the skipping the bill payment deadline can lead to decline in your credit score even if you clear your bills at a later stage.

So, to avoid this from happening, you can set up an auto pay on SBI Card.

Steps to follow to set up an auto pay 

Step 1: First of all, you need to enter the SBI Card app.

Step 2: Now you need to tap on ‘recharge and bill payments’ or select ‘e-store’

Step 3: Next you need to select bill payments and recharge.

Step 4: Read ‘disclaimer’ and proceed to reach the home page

SBI Card: This is how you can create an auto pay

Step 1: Tap ‘add biller’ on the bill pay homepage

Step 2: Choose bill category

Step 3: Now select the first three letters and select the bill

Step 4: Now you need to enter the card details and then add biller

Step 5: Now you need to enter OTP sent to the mobile number and the biller will be added.

How to edit 

Step 1. First you have to select ‘My Billers’

Step 2. Now you need to find the biller that you want to edit

Step 3. Then you need to click the dotted line and choose ‘edit’

Step 4. Now you can make changes and tap ‘confirm and modify’

Step 5. Verify with the OTP sent on your phone.

If you want to delete an auto pay, you need to follow similar steps for modifying it.

1. Tap on dotted line next to biller

3. Then confirm card details and enter OTP to remove the biller.

(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks) 

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personal finance, money, credit cards, SBI Card

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