As 2024 winds to a close, Uday Kotak, Founder and Director of Kotak Mahindra Bank, has shared his thoughts on the priorities for India’s growth and development in 2025. In a series of tweets titled “India at 77,” Kotak outlined a set of ten action points, touching on issues ranging from economic policies to environmental challenges.
Kotak began by calling for a renewed focus on economic growth, urging India to “go for growth” and unleash the “enterprise and animal spirits” necessary to drive progress. Highlighting the importance of efficiency, he introduced the idea of “ROTI” or Return on Time Invested, advocating for relentless pursuit of productivity. At the same time, he warned against the dangers of protectionist policies, stating, “Shun protectionism. It may benefit in the short term. Long term it makes us uncompetitive.”
On economic stability, Kotak emphasized the need for a clear plan to address the country’s current account deficit within a reasonable time frame. Defence spending also featured prominently in his vision for 2025, with a succinct remark: “Power is power. Safety is prerequisite for prosperity.” He suggested steady fiscal consolidation, encouraging policymakers to continue this approach to ensure sustainable economic health.
Kotak cautioned against overregulation across sectors, observing that a “zero accident policy is high risk to growth.” He stressed the need for balanced governance, noting the importance of respecting “free and fair markets” and intervening only when there is evidence of manipulation or financial bubbles. Reflecting on India’s population of 1.4 billion, Kotak envisioned a dynamic environment where innovation thrives, stating, “Let many flowers bloom.”
A stark call to address environmental degradation rounded out his musings. Kotak drew attention to India’s severe pollution problem, urging collective action to ensure cleaner and healthier cities. “We must get out of having amongst the most polluted cities in the world. Let us walk the talk,” he said.
Uday Kotak‘s year-end reflections paint a comprehensive picture of the challenges and opportunities awaiting India in 2025. His pragmatic suggestions offer a roadmap for leaders and citizens alike to build a prosperous, competitive, and sustainable future for the nation.
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Uday Kotak, Uday Kotak year-end musings, India at 77, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Uday Kotak tweets, Uday Kotak action points, Indian economy growth, India defence investment, India fiscal consolidation
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