Dhaka/New Delhi: Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus Tuesday said Bangladesh was witnessing a “festivity of rumours” against his administration, blaming it on “the defeated force” — an apparent reference to deposed premier Sheikh Hasina’s regime.
“The rumours are big instruments of the defeated forces against the July-Aug (2024) Uprising,” he said in a nationwide televised address on the eve of Bangladesh’s 53rd Independence Day. Unlike in past years, there would be no National Day military parade in the capital. Home Ministry Senior Secretary Nasimul Ghani said the country is in a wartime mode.
Yunus called upon the countrymen to resist rumour through awareness and unity. He said as upcoming election, the date of which is yet to be decided, would come near, the rumours would take more dangerous shape.
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#Bangladesh #witnessing #festivity #rumours #interim #government #Yunus #Times #India
Yunus address to nation,upcoming elections Bangladesh 2024,Sheikh Hasina,political unrest in Bangladesh,National Day military parade,Muhammad Yunus speech,Bangladesh wartime mode,Bangladesh interim government rumors,Bangladesh Independence Day 2024
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